The tech boom has seeped into every facet of our daily lives, from changing how we connect socially to modernizing our homes. Technological advancements have certainly made our lives more efficient and convenient. Can you remember the last time you had to search for a payphone to make a callRead More →

Everyone needs health insurance, but acquiring it can be stressful. It can be quite terrifying to live in a world where one small illness or accident can send us into near-crippling debt over medical bills, let alone if we are dealing with a preexisting health condition. Then insurance can literallyRead More →

new cancer treatments

What Are Clinical Trials? Clinical trials are studies where well-researched treatments for diseases such as cancer are tested on a group of participants. These groundbreaking clinical trials test cutting-edge methods of diagnosing, treating, and preventing cancer, along with finding ways to manage its symptoms and any side effects from theRead More →

During the application process, the majority of colleges will run some form of background check on prospective students. This may be through a background check free method, or they may use other programs. Applying for college is stressful for any aspiring student. You may be confused as to the best collegesRead More →

Consumers around the world are considering their insurance choices every day. With a wide range of providers to choose from, it’s important to opt for the right plan that allows for complete coverage. Whether you’re under your employer’s plan or you’re thinking about private insurance, the preliminary question of the need forRead More →

The good news is that winter in the United States is going to be warmer than usual for a lot of states in 2019 to 2020. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association says neither La Nina or El Nino weather patterns will be in effect this year, which makes short-termRead More →