Everyone needs health insurance, but acquiring it can be stressful. It can be quite terrifying to live in a world where one small illness or accident can send us into near-crippling debt over medical bills, let alone if we are dealing with a preexisting health condition. Then insurance can literallyRead More →

The good news is that winter in the United States is going to be warmer than usual for a lot of states in 2019 to 2020. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association says neither La Nina or El Nino weather patterns will be in effect this year, which makes short-termRead More →

A positive cancer diagnosis doesn’t necessarily mean you’re destined to spend your treatment and recovery bedridden in a sterile and unwelcoming hospital room. You still have time to make the most of life, and what better way to make sure you get to experience the things you desire than makingRead More →

In school, students often learn that drug addiction starts with gateway substances such as smoking tobacco or marijuana. Students learn that if they never start with seemingly less harmful substances, they won’t move on to harder substances like opioids. However, teaching students about gateway drugs is deceptive and leads toRead More →