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Why Mental Health Should Be Your Top Priority

COVID-19 exposed a lot of problems in our society and healthcare systems. Even though it’s a public health crisis, it has also reconfirmed the importance of mental health. Usually, when we think of being healthy, we think of our bodies and exclude our minds from thoughts of health. However, with the prevalence of mental health issues like PTSD, severe depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, it’s obvious that Americans need to start taking mental health more seriously.

Mental health is getting more recognition in the United States, and people are becoming more open to therapy and medications that help people cope with mood disorders and other mental issues. However, many more people in the U.S. suffer from mental health issues and don’t get treatment than people who seek therapy due to stigmas surrounding mental illness. In honesty, we could all use some time in talk therapy, but we have progress to make before seeking help for mental health conditions is the norm. Continue reading to learn why you must prioritize your mental health in 2021.

Mental health issues are more prevalent than you may know.

In spite of the many stigmas surrounding mental health, mental health issues are common. Studies show that 26% of adults suffer from a diagnosable mental health problem every year. In other words, if you suffer from PTSD, bipolar disorder, severe depression, or anxiety, you’re not alone.

When you face your mental health issues and receive therapy, you’ll see very quickly that there are plenty of people going through the same thing as you. One of the benefits of attending group therapy is you get to work through your issues with other people who share your experience.

Mental health and physical health go hand in hand.

The more we learn about mental health, the clearer the correlation between physical and mental health becomes. People who suffer from severe depression are more likely to have cardiovascular problems than others. And as you can imagine, people dealing with a serious physical illness are more likely to suffer from mental health issues as well.

Often, people go to their personal care physician for health problems, and they’re told the best thing they can do is rest and avoid stress. That in and of itself is evidence of the effects mental health has on your physical health and vice versa.

A person suffering from chronic pain or a debilitating illness is more likely to develop depression due to their illness, and the depression in return would only make their physical symptoms worse. In short, mental illness can put you in a self-perpetuating cycle of mental and physical health problems.

Psychiatrists are learning more about how certain medications affect the mind.

Many mental illnesses are caused by an imbalance of the brain’s chemicals, which makes mental health a medical issue. Even though personality disorders have been recognized as a medical problem for decades, the treatments have become much more sophisticated.

There was a time in the United States when the treatments for mental illness were brutal and humane. Psychiatrists used shock therapy, lobotomies, and imprisonment as their go-to treatment options for seriously ill patients. Thankfully, treatment plans for people with mental health conditions are less medieval and more effective.

One exciting treatment option that’s surfaced for people with severe symptoms of depression such as suicidal thoughts, and that’s ketamine. The chances are that you’ve heard of ketamine before, but it’s been primarily used for anesthesia and chronic pain rather than for symptoms of depression. Still, it’s showing promise for psychotherapy as well.

While ketamine is primarily known as an anesthesia and pain reliever, some psychiatrists have also found that it’s an effective treatment for depression and bipolar disorder. However, given the potency of ketamine, it’s important to do your research before going to a ketamine clinic to ensure you receive the highest quality of care.

With Healing Maps, you can find the top Florida ketamine clinics, ibogaine treatment centers, and ayahuasca retreats. Ketamine clinics also provide treatment options for migraines and chronic pain conditions. To learn more about how ketamine can help you cope with mental health conditions and physical pain, talk to your personal care physician about treatment plans.

Self-care is essential to your mental health.

One thing that’s certain is that the pandemic has been stressful for everyone in the U.S. It has exposed mental health conditions to people who thought they were fine, but we’ve seen upticks in domestic abuse and suicide since people have begun sheltering in place. That’s evidence of untreated and unresolved mental health conditions.

If you do not have a mental illness, you should still practice self-care to prevent mental illness. If you’re sheltering in place and feeling the stress of cabin fever, consider putting a pool in your backyard to give yourself a place to relax. The professionals at Olympus Pools are Lakeland FL pool builders with a long list of satisfied customers in Central Florida.

If you’re not in the market for a swimming pool, you could take up a relaxing hobby like gardening or raising plants inside your home. If you have pets in your home, it’s a good idea to get dog-friendly plants to avoid your dog accidentally ingesting a toxic plant. As much as we like to credit dogs for their intelligence, they don’t know the difference between toxic and non-toxic plants, so be sure to only bring pet-safe plants into your home.

Sometimes, talk therapy is all you need.

Many people are sensitive to medications or drug addictions that make them leery of taking medication for their mental health conditions. The good news is that many people who suffer from depression and bipolar disorder are able to get well with talk therapy.

Even if you go to a psychiatrist, most of them will use talk therapy as their primary treatment plan. The great thing about talk therapy is that you dive deep into your mental health issues with a professional who understands how the mind works. They know how to get to the underlying problems that cause anxiety, bipolar disorder, and suicidal thoughts. Receiving talk therapy doesn’t mean your psychiatrist won’t prescribe medication, but it improves the chances that the medication will work.

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